Onjus - Squeezed Out
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BackgroundETL, then called as Enkay Synthetics, was started as a textile company in the early 1980s.
Juicy ProspectsIn May 1997, ETL launched Onjus on a natural taste proposition. It was launched as an 'on the move drink' in a 250 ml straw pack for outdoor consumption, with a tagline - 'Squeezed to please'.
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6] The US FDA had broad duties to regulate and safeguard food (except meat and poultry), medicines, medical devices, radiation-emitting devices, biologics (such as vaccines and blood products), veterinary products, and cosmetics. The FDA also had responsibility for labels for food, over-the-counter medicines, dietary supplements, drugs, and medical devices. The agency's functions fall into five categories. It reviews new products; inspects manufacturing sites and monitors reports of problems or new risks; issues standards and regulations; conducts research; and takes enforcement actions. |
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